Result Name Venue Date Info
1. 9.82 Richard Thompson Port of Spain 2014-06-21 Alltime-16
2. 9.86 Ato Boldon Walnut 1998-04-19 Alltime-28
Keston Bledman Port of Spain 2012-06-23 Alltime-28
4. 9.96 Marc Burns Port of Spain 2005-06-25 Alltime-122
5. 9.99 Darrel Brown Port of Spain 2005-06-25 Alltime-179
Rondel Sorrillo Port of Spain 2016-06-25 Alltime-179
7. 10.03 Aaron Armstrong Port of Spain 2009-06-20 Alltime-271
Jerod Elcock Port of Spain 2022-06-25 Alltime-271
9. 10.05 Emmanuel Callender Zürich 2009-08-28 Alltime-332
Devin Augustine Ann Arbor 2024-05-12 Alltime-332
11. 10.06 Hasely Crawford Montréal (OG) 1976-07-24 Alltime-352
12. 10.07 Kion Benjamin Port of Spain 2022-06-25 Alltime-387
13. 10.08 Eric Harrison Port of Spain 2022-06-25 Alltime-425
Omari Lewis Charlottesville 2024-04-13 Alltime-425
  Result Name Venue Date Info
1. 19.77 Ato Boldon Stuttgart 1997-07-13 Alltime-31
2. 19.80 Jereem Richards Birmingham 2022-08-06 Alltime-36
3. 19.97 Kyle Greaux Barranquilla 2018-07-31 Alltime-94
4. 20.16 Rondel Sorrillo Port of Spain 2011-08-14 Alltime-213
5. 20.18 Richard Thompson Fayetteville 2008-05-30 Alltime-240
6. 20.25 Dwight St. Hillaire Columbia 2021-03-27 Alltime-329
7. 20.26 Lalonde Gordon Port of Spain 2013-06-23 Alltime-345
8. 20.34 Edwin Roberts Ciudad de México (OG) 1968-10-16 Alltime-490
Patrick Delice Abilene 1993-05-29 Alltime-490
10. 20.35 Aaron Armstrong Nassau 2005-07-11
11. 20.39 Renny Quow Lubbock 2014-05-03 Alltime-614
Akanni Hislop Tampa 2018-05-25 Alltime-614
  Result Name Venue Date Info
1. 44.01 Machel Cedenio Rio de Janeiro (OG) 2016-08-14 Alltime-25
2. 44.18 Jereem Richards London 2024-07-20 Alltime-45
3. 44.21 Ian Morris Barcelona (OG) 1992-08-03 Alltime-48
4. 44.36 Deon Lendore Lexington 2014-05-18 Alltime-79
5. 44.52 Lalonde Gordon London (OG) 2012-08-06 Alltime-127
6. 44.53 Renny Quow Berlin (WC) 2009-08-19 Alltime-130
7. 44.55 Dwight St. Hillaire Tampa 2018-05-25 Alltime-137
8. 44.58 Patrick Delice Abilene 1993-05-29 Alltime-146
9. 44.82 Wendell Mottley Kingston 1966-08-11 Alltime-264
10. 44.84 Alvin Daniel Birmingham 1992-06-28 Alltime-277
11. 44.87 Ato Stephens Orlando 2001-04-21 Alltime-294
12. 44.88 Michael Paul Köln 1982-08-22 Alltime-300
13. 44.98 Jarrin Solomon Heusden-Zolder 2014-07-19 Alltime-358
14. 45.02 Neil de Silva Atlanta (OG) 1996-07-27 Alltime-400
15. 45.19 Jehue Gordon Moskva (WC) 2013-08-11 Alltime-525
  Result Name Venue Date Info
1. 1:45.43 Sherridan Kirk Sacramento 2005-06-11 Alltime-597
  Result Name Venue Date Info
1. 13.17 Mikel Thomas Toronto 2015-07-24 Alltime-78
2. 13.20 Wayne Davis Fayetteville 2014-05-31 Alltime-97
3. 13.30 Ruebin Walters Port of Spain 2017-06-23 Alltime-177
  Result Name Venue Date Info
1. 47.69 Jehue Gordon Moskva (WC) 2013-08-15 Alltime-35
2. 48.77 Kerron Clement Oxford MS 2004-05-16
  Result Name Venue Date Info
1. 37.62 Darrel Brown,
Marc Burns,
Emmanuel Callender,
Richard Thompson
Berlin (WC) 2009-08-22 Alltime-33
2. 37.91 Keston Bledman,
Marc Burns,
Aaron Armstrong,
Richard Thompson
Daegu (WC) 2011-09-04 Alltime-94
3. 37.96 Keston Bledman,
Rondel Sorrillo,
Emmanuel Callender,
Richard Thompson
Rio de Janeiro (OG) 2016-08-18 Alltime-111
4. 38.00 Darrel Brown,
Marc Burns,
Aaron Armstrong,
Richard Thompson
London 2008-07-26 Alltime-128
5. 38.03 Keston Bledman,
Marc Burns,
Emmanuel Callender,
Richard Thompson
Zürich 2008-08-29 Alltime-143
6. 38.04 Keston Bledman,
Marc Burns,
Rondel Sorrillo,
Richard Thompson
Nassau 2014-05-25 Alltime-150
7. 38.10 Kevon Pierre,
Marc Burns,
Jacey Harper,
Darrel Brown
Helsinki (WC) 2005-08-13 Alltime-195
8. 38.23 Rondel Sorrillo,
Marc Burns,
Emmanuel Callender,
Richard Thompson
London 2012-07-14 Alltime-277
9. 38.24 Rondel Sorrillo,
Marc Burns,
Emmanuel Callender,
Keston Bledman
Mayagüez 2010-07-29 Alltime-286
10. 38.30 Carlon Hosten,
Kion Benjamin,
Eric Harrison,
Devin Augustine
San Salvador 2023-07-06 Alltime-339
11. 38.37 Aaron Armstrong,
Marc Burns,
Emmanuel Callender,
Richard Thompson
Philadelphia 2009-04-25 Alltime-425
12. 38.38 Jacey Harper,
Marc Burns,
Aaron Armstrong,
Darrel Brown
Helsinki 2005-07-25 Alltime-433
Jamil James,
Keston Bledman,
Rondel Sorrillo,
Richard Thompson
Moskva (WC) 2013-08-18 Alltime-433
14. 38.46 Jerod Elcock,
Keston Bledman,
Akanni Hislop,
Kyle Greaux
Lima 2019-08-09 Alltime-528
Jerod Elcock,
Kion Benjamin,
Eric Harrison,
Omari Lewis
Nassau 2024-05-04 Alltime-528
Jerod Elcock,
Devin Augustine,
Jonathan Farinha,
Kyle Greaux
Port of Spain 2024-06-30 Alltime-528
17. 38.47 Darrel Brown,
Marc Burns,
Keston Bledman,
Richard Thompson
Berlin (WC) 2009-08-21 Alltime-545
18. 38.52 Mikel Thomas,
Rondel Sorrillo,
Emmanuel Callender,
Dan-Neil Telesford
Toronto 2015-07-24 Alltime-629
19. 38.53 Niconnor Alexander,
Marc Burns,
Ato Boldon,
Darrel Brown
Santo Domingo 2003-08-09 Alltime-645
20. 38.57 Ayodele Taffe,
Keston Bledman,
Rondel Sorrillo,
Richard Thompson
Moskva (WC) 2013-08-18 Alltime-719
21. 38.58 Marc Burns,
Ato Boldon,
Jacey Harper,
Darrel Brown
Edmonton (WC) 2001-08-12 Alltime-735
22. 38.61 Keston Bledman,
Kyle Greaux,
Moriba Morain,
Emmanuel Callender
London (WC) 2017-08-12 Alltime-799
23. 38.63 Kion Benjamin,
Eric Harrison,
Akanni Hislop,
Richard Thompson
Tokyo (OG) 2021-08-05 Alltime-838
24. 38.69 Rondel Sorrillo,
Keston Bledman,
Emmanuel Callender,
Dan-Neil Telesford
Toronto 2015-07-25 Alltime-965
25. 38.70 Jerod Elcock,
Eric Harrison,
Kion Benjamin,
Kyle Greaux
Birmingham 2022-08-07 Alltime-981
26. 38.73 Rondel Sorrillo,
Emmanuel Callender,
Jovan Toppin,
Keston Bledman
La Habana 2009-07-05 Alltime-1069
27. 38.84 Marc Burns,
Ato Boldon,
Jacey Harper,
Niconnor Alexander
Saint-Denis (WC) 2003-08-30 Alltime-1368
Jerod Elcock,
Eric Harrison,
Kion Benjamin,
Akanni Hislop
Birmingham 2022-08-06 Alltime-1368
29. 38.89 Aaron Armstrong,
Darrel Brown,
Emmanuel Callender,
Keston Bledman
Mayagüez 2011-07-16 Alltime-1531
Nathan Farinha,
Jonathan Farinha,
Jalen Purcell,
Kyle Greaux
Toronto 2018-08-12 Alltime-1531
Omari Lewis,
Jerod Elcock,
Revell Webster,
Devin Augustine
Budapest (WC) 2023-08-25 Alltime-1531
32. 38.90 Mikel Thomas,
Kyle Greaux,
Emmanuel Callender,
Dan-Neil Telesford
San José, CRC 2015-08-09 Alltime-1573
Nathan Farinha,
Jonathan Farinha,
Jalen Purcell,
Keston Bledman
Barranquilla 2018-08-02 Alltime-1573
34. 38.91 Keston Bledman,
Aaron Armstrong,
Emmanuel Callender,
Richard Thompson
Philadelphia 2010-04-24 Alltime-1610
35. 38.92 Niconnor Alexander,
Julian Raeburn,
Marc Burns,
Ato Boldon
Sydney (OG) 2000-09-29 Alltime-1659
36. 38.97 Raymond Fabien,
Winston Short,
Carl Archer,
Edwin Roberts
Ciudad de México (OG) 1968-10-19 Alltime-1851
Marvin Regis,
Marc Burns,
Jacey Harper,
Julian Raeburn
Manchester 2002-07-31 Alltime-1851
38. 38.99 Kion Benjamin,
Jonathan Farinha,
Omari Lewis,
Devin Augustine
Nassau 2024-06-16 Alltime-1930
  Result Name Venue Date Info
1. 2:58.12 Jarrin Solomon,
Jereem Richards,
Machel Cedenio,
Lalonde Gordon
London (WC) 2017-08-13 Alltime-42
2. 2:58.20 Renny Quow,
Lalonde Gordon,
Deon Lendore,
Machel Cedenio
Beijing (WC) 2015-08-30 Alltime-46
3. 2:58.34 Lalonde Gordon,
Renny Quow,
Machel Cedenio,
Jarrin Solomon
Nassau 2014-05-25 Alltime-52
4. 2:58.60 Deon Lendore,
Jereem Richards,
Machel Cedenio,
Dwight St. Hillaire
Tokyo (OG) 2021-08-06 Alltime-69
5. 2:58.67 Renny Quow,
Jarrin Solomon,
Deon Lendore,
Lalonde Gordon
Beijing (WC) 2015-08-29 Alltime-72
6. 2:59.35 Renny Quow,
Jereem Richards,
Machel Cedenio,
Lalonde Gordon
London (WC) 2017-08-12 Alltime-139
7. 2:59.40 Lalonde Gordon,
Jarrin Solomon,
Ade Alleyne-Forte,
Deon Lendore
London (OG) 2012-08-10 Alltime-144
8. 2:59.60 Renny Quow,
Jarrin Solomon,
Emanuel Mayers,
Machel Cedenio
Toronto 2015-07-25 Alltime-165
9. 3:00.03 Dwight St. Hillaire,
Jereem Richards,
Shakeem McKay,
Asa Guevara
Eugene (WC) 2022-07-24 Alltime-229
10. 3:00.74 Asa Guevara,
Jereem Richards,
Deon Lendore,
Machel Cedenio
Ad-Dawhah (WC) 2019-10-06 Alltime-387
11. 3:01.05 Patrick Delice,
Alvin Daniel,
Neil de Silva,
Ian Morris
Barcelona (OG) 1992-08-07 Alltime-485
12. 3:01.29 Dwight St. Hillaire,
Asa Guevara,
Machel Cedenio,
Jereem Richards
Birmingham 2022-08-07 Alltime-572
13. 3:01.35 Asa Guevara,
Jereem Richards,
Darren Alfred,
Deon Lendore
Ad-Dawhah (WC) 2019-10-05 Alltime-592
14. 3:01.43 Ato Stephens,
Renny Quow,
Sherridan Kirk,
Damion Barry
Nassau 2005-07-11 Alltime-621
15. 3:01.51 Lalonde Gordon,
Jarrin Solomon,
Renny Quow,
Zwede Hewitt
Glasgow 2014-08-02 Alltime-647
16. 3:01.54 Renny Quow,
Asa Guevara,
Shakeem McKay,
Jereem Richards
Budapest (WC) 2023-08-26 Alltime-663
17. 3:01.58 Jehue Gordon,
Renny Quow,
Emanuel Mayers,
Jarrin Solomon
Toronto 2015-07-24 Alltime-678
18. 3:01.7 Lennox Yearwood,
Kent Bernard,
Edwin Roberts,
Wendell Mottley
Kingston 1966-08-13 Alltime-737
19. 3:01.74 Renny Quow,
Lalonde Gordon,
Jehue Gordon,
Jarrin Solomon
Moskva (WC) 2013-08-16 Alltime-759
20. 3:01.79 Edwin Skinner,
Kent Bernard,
Edwin Roberts,
Wendell Mottley
Tokyo (OG) 1964-10-21 Alltime-778
21. 3:01.91 Ato Stephens,
Julian Raeburn,
Renny Quow,
Damion Barry
Helsinki (WC) 2005-08-13 Alltime-834
22. 3:01.99 Renny Quow,
Che Lara,
Machel Cedenio,
Jereem Richards
San Salvador 2023-07-07 Alltime-863
23. 3:02.24 Renny Quow,
Neil de Silva,
Hayden Stephen,
Ian Morris
Mar del Plata 1995-03-25 Alltime-997
24. 3:02.39 Asa Guevara,
Jereem Richards,
Che Lara,
Shakeem McKay
Nassau 2024-05-05 Alltime-1069
25. 3:02.4 Mike Solomon,
Charles Joseph,
Joseph Coombs,
Horace Tuitt
Montréal 1976-07-14 Alltime-1078
26. 3:02.47 Zwede Hewitt,
Jarrin Solomon,
Deon Lendore,
Renny Quow
Daegu (WC) 2011-09-01 Alltime-1115
27. 3:02.51 Renny Quow,
Jereem Richards,
Deon Lendore,
Lalonde Gordon
Nassau 2017-04-22 Alltime-1140
28. 3:02.65 Renny Quow,
Kevon Pierre,
Jamil James,
Damion Barry
Cartagena 2006-07-29 Alltime-1226
29. 3:02.71 Ato Stephens,
Jovan Toppin,
Jarrin Solomon,
Renny Quow
Port of Spain 2009-06-21 Alltime-1268
30. 3:02.75 Dwight St. Hillaire,
Jereem Richards,
Asa Guevara,
Kashief King
Eugene (WC) 2022-07-23 Alltime-1290
31. 3:02.78 Patrick Delice,
Neil de Silva,
Hayden Stephen,
Ian Morris
Victoria 1994-08-28 Alltime-1308
32. 3:02.85 Deon Lendore,
Jereem Richards,
Renny Quow,
Machel Cedenio
Gold Coast 2018-04-14 Alltime-1363
33. 3:03.17 Renny Quow,
Jereem Richards,
Jarrin Solomon,
Lalonde Gordon
Nassau 2017-04-23 Alltime-1574
34. 3:03.48 Arthur Cooper,
Pat Marshall,
Charles Joseph,
Edwin Roberts
München (OG) 1972-09-09 Alltime-1778
  Result Name Venue Date Info
1. 8.25 Andwuelle Wright Queretaro 2019-07-05 Alltime-199
  Result Name Venue Date Info
1. 90.16 Keshorn Walcott Lausanne 2015-07-09 Alltime-23